Welcome to the U. V. A. R. C. Website

Welcome to the U. V. A. R. C. Website

Also known as “hams”, we are a group of like-minded individuals who live in the Umpqua Valley of Douglas County, Oregon. We enjoy operating amateur radios, coming together for our monthly meetings, field days and other special events.

The Umpqua Valley Amateur Radio Club (U.V.A.R.C) was formed for the advancement of amateur radio operators. Our goal is to aid with communications for both amateur and public service in the event of an emergency, natural disaster or for special events. (Please see our Mission Statement on the ‘About Us’ page)

Most of us are hobbyists however we do have several active retired electronics professionals in our ranks. Many are involved with other emergency associations like Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), Search and Rescue (SAR), the Military Auxiliary Radio Systems (MARS), and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES).

Some aspects of our hobby include making communications Equpment, making contacts over the air, and providing communications support for other groups and events held in our community.

We are active in getting together off air as well. There are several social events held throughout the year including some that are open to the public.

There is an old saying in the world of communications, “When all else fails, amateur radios still work”. This is one reason the FCC is very supportive of our hobby. If in the case of a natural disaster (i.e. wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes or tornados, and flooding) amateur rado is the best method of reliable communications.

We have attempted to provide you with pertinent information about our club and we welcome you to explore our website. Please let us know if we can provide other information or answer any questions you may have about our club.

Come check us out and find out for yourself how big the world of ham radios is and how small it makes the world we live in feel.

Please be sure to check back with us for updates and other information.

Club Meetings

Meeting Location:

Meyer Center

990 W. Stanton Street

Roseburg, Oregon 97471

Meeting Time:

Third Thursday of each month

7:00 pm

Mailing Address

U. V. A. R. C.

13693 Little River Road

Glide, OR 97443