Umpqua Valley Fusion Net
Monday, 1900
White Tail Repeater 147.12 P/L 100 Hz enc/dec
This net is Fusion ONLY!
White Tail Repeater
Tuesday on the 7120
Tuesday, 1900
White Tail Repeater 147.12 P/L 100 Hz enc/dec
Double Shot
Third Tuesdays
With the 712 net and the Sportsman’s net
Club Net
Wednesday, 2000
White Tail Repeater 147.120 P/L 100 Hz
DC 405 Net
Wednesday, 1930
Net Control – Clancy K7CAM
on 28.405 (10 Meters)
2 Meter SSB Net
Tuesday, 1845
144.225 USB, K7POJ (host)
Sportsman’s Net
Thursday, 1900
White Tail Repeater 147.120 P/L 100 Hz
UVARC Simplex Net
Friday, 1900
Club Repeater Status
White Tail Repeater KC7UAV (147.120, P/L 100) Enc/Dec Analog, Fusion Enabled
White Tail Ridge KK7HEP 440.925 P/L 77, D-Star Enabled
Note: If you’re experiencing Digital Stream Noise on either of the repeaters analog sides, please check your PL tone selection. Set to: Enc/Dec (CTCSS) to silence the Digital Stream.
Special Note: