About Us
Our Mission Statement
The Umpqua Valley Amateur Radio Club (UVARC) is a non-political or religiously affiliated organization, whose purpose is the advancement of amateur radio in Douglas County Oregon, educate the public in the use of amateur radio, recruit amateur radio operators, and provide assistance with communications both amateur and public service in the event of an emergency, natural disaster or for special events.
Our History
Our story started in the late 1950s. According to newspaper articles, the “Umpqua Radio Club” was in existence sometime in the latter part of the 1950’s. The exact date is not known. Some of the members of the radio club have had their Amateur Radio License as early as 1930 and 1932, some of whom are now Silent Keys. It is probably true that there were Amateur Radio activities in the Roseburg area prior to the 1950’s, but whether a club was in existence is unknown.
One newspaper article stated that in 1955, there were no closely knit “Ham” organization in the Douglas County. In December, the need was tragically pointed out the day after Christmas when the county suffered its second flood in four days. Later, a nucleus of about fifteen “Hams” began planning an organization, and soon the Umpqua Radio Club had replaced the less organized club.
The radio club was affiliated with the Douglas County Civil Defense organization, retaining its identity as a hobbyist group. With the help of 43 businesses and individuals that donated materials and labor, a building was constructed next to the Ground Observation Corp. on the China Wall to hold communication equipment of the Civil Defense. The Amateur Radio group was left in charge of the building and radio equipment.
During some of those years, Bob Ellenwood and Ivar Lindstrom served as club presidents. In 1977, the club had become inactive, so Jim Zurcher placed an ad in the News Review for a “No Host” coffee at the Windmill Inn and the response from local Hams was significant, resulting in the Umpqua Valley Amateur Radio Club that we have today.

Our Officers